How Flowers Affect our Wellbeing

How Flowers Affect our Wellbeing


Unusual times like the ones we are currently facing can be overwhelming and stressful for all of us. We worry about a lot of things including our health, the health of our loved ones and fear about work, finances and the future. While feeling anxious and uncertain is a normal reaction to the pandemic, it is now more important than ever that we do our best to take care of our mental health and wellbeing.

Did you know that flowers and plants can have a positive impact on our health, reduce stress and help us find peace of mind?

A beautiful bouquet of flowers can instantly brighten up someone’s day and bring peace of mind. But besides their vibrant colours and calming beauty, there's a lot of surprising health benefits that many flowers can offer.

The Amazing Benefits of Flowers 

Many studies have shown that flowers and greenery can positively affect a person’s overall health and well-being. Just some of their benefits include:

 Reduce stress - Plants soothe people because they help them turn their stressful feelings into something positive which gives them pleasure.

 Elevate mood - A study led by Rutgers University discovered that people feel less depressed, anxious and agitated after receiving flowers, and demonstrate a higher sense of enjoyment and life satisfaction.

 Generate happiness -  Flowers and ornamental plants increase levels of positive energy. Having ornamental flowers around the home environment is an excellent way to lower levels of stress and anxiety. People who keep flowers in their home feel happier, less stressed, and more relaxed.

 Improve relationships - Research has found that being around flowers can help improve relationships between people and increase their concern and empathy toward others. 

 Boost concentration and productivity - Being around plants helps people concentrate better in the home and workplace. Researchers found that plants stimulate both the senses and the mind, improving mental cognition and performance.

 Enhance health outcomes - The presence of plants in hospital recovery rooms and/or views of aesthetically-pleasing gardens help patients to heal faster. A study conducted by Park and Mattson found that patients in hospital rooms with plants and flowers were more positive and less fatigued and needed less medication for post-operative issues 

Best Flowers to Boost Your Wellbeing




Commonly used in aromatherapy to help relieve stress, anxiety and depression, as well as promote a healthier sleep cycle. Researchers found that “lavender fragrance had a beneficial effect on insomnia and depression. Studies also suggest that lavender aromatherapy has relaxation effects and may have beneficial acute effects on coronary circulation.



Roses have been the most popular choice of flowers for the purpose of gifting across the world due to their beautiful colour and unbelievably pleasant smell. Surprisingly, rose petals have been found to contain vitamin C, a potent antioxidant nutrient. It is also believed that rose petals contribute massively to your daily vitamin C recommended intake.



Because of their calming influence, orchids help you relax and reduce stress, which can help reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease and other chronic illnesses.

Orchids are also very effective in improving air quality. They absorb carbon dioxide from their surrounding environment and release oxygen back into the air which makes them a perfect complement to our environment.


Gerbera Daisies 

These bright and cheerful flowers can be found in a great variety of sizes and colours. But these flowers are not only popular for their beauty. Gerbera daisies are great at absorbing toxins out of the air and transforming into oxygen at night. Place some gerberas next to your bed and enjoy better sleep!



These flowers are not only an effective air purifier but can also help lessen symptoms of anxiety and stress when taken as a tea. Chrysanthemums have been used for medicinal purposes for many years. People use them to treat respiratory problems, high blood pressure, and hyperthyroidism.



The calming smell of jasmine can help you relax and aid the symptoms of anxiety. It helps ease depression and insomnia and improves physical and mental wellbeing.



Chamomile has been popular for its medicinal benefits since ancient times. It is known for its anti-anxiety effects. The calming fragrance can help you calm down and get better sleep.



 When life seems to be in a constant state of frenzy, flowers can provide us with a much-needed moment of calm.” - Dr. Erin Largo-Wight, Ph.D., Associate Professor of University of North Florida’s Department of Public Health

In these ever stressful times, taking simple steps as having flowers can help improve our wellbeing. The impact of flowers and plants on our mental and physical health is truly incredible. 

Moreover, flowers are a great way to help your friends and loved ones cope with stress and anxiety. Even with social distancing measures put in place, you can still connect with them and show them you think about them by sending beautiful flowers.